Chocolate Popcorn Recipe(s): Antioxidant Packed Snack

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This microwave chocolate popcorn recipe(s) shows you two ways to make this simple treat.

So use it to whip up a quick, tasty snack.

You'll learn how to pop up a bag of healthy homemade popcorn. Skip the fattening oil and salt. It's easy.

Chocolate covered popcorn.

Air popped is healthy but almost tasteless, right?

Fix that!

Drizzle it with a little chocolate.

Combine the health benefits of dark chocolate with the health benefits of popcorn.

Try some chocolate covered popcorn when the need to snack can't be held back.

You'll enjoy a guilt-free heart helping healthy snack.

It's a tasty way to get a good dose of antioxidants and whole grain too.

How to Make This Chocolate  Popcorn Recipe

This chocolate popcorn recipe is extremely easy to make. Here's what you'll need...

  • brown lunch bag
  • 1/8 cup of popcorn kernels
  • canola oil (fat free) non-stick spray-optional but recommended
  • microwave-safe plate
  • large microwave-safe bowl-needs to hold 4 cups of popped corn with room to stir
  • 1/2 to 1 ounce (14 to 28g) of good quality dark chocolate-needs to melt smoothly

Pour unpopped corn into paper bag.

Popcorn kernels covered with cooking spray.

Or for best results, pour the kernels onto wax paper or something similar.

Spray them with the non-stick canola product. Then pour them into the brown bag.

Paper bag with popcorn ready for the microwave.

Lay the brown bag on the plate. Fold the end of the bag over.

Just like you do when you put your lunch in it. Give the plate a gentle shake to evenly distribute the kernels.

Microwave on high for about 2 minutes. Be careful not to burn the popcorn.

Time based on a 1200 watt oven.  Adjust time, if using a different wattage.

Set aside the bag of popcorn.

Place chocolate in the large bowl. Choose a 1/2 ounce (14g) of chocolate for lightly covered corn with less fat.

Use 1 ounce (28g) of chocolate for a heavier coating of chocolate and of course, more fat.

Microwave until soft, then stir. Heat again for 10 to 15 seconds, if not completely melted. Stir till smooth.

Check the bag of popcorn for unpopped kernels. Remove.

Pour the popcorn onto the melted chocolate. Gently stir until all the chocolate is mixed in.

Or you could melt the chocolate in a gallon plastic bag. Then add the popcorn and shake till coated. One less dish to wash!

Or you could make chocolate drizzled popcorn. Snip the very corner off the plastic bag. Then squeeze the chocolate onto the corn.

Of course dark chocolate is recommended but you can use semisweet or white chocolate if you prefer.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of dark chocolate are many. It's an undisputed antioxidant powerhouse!  Heart healthy.

Well, popcorn is no slouch. The American Chemical Society notes that popcorn is packed with antioxidants also. Just like chocolate, it's a more concentrated source of them than fruits and vegetables.

And it's a whole grain!

Whole grains according to the Mayo Clinic website are...

  • low in fat
  • high in fiber
  • rich in complex carbohydrates
  • suppliers of some vital minerals and vitamins
  • a necessary part of balanced diet
  • are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, some types of cancer, diabetes and other health problems

This little snack packs an antioxidant, whole grain punch! Now lets see the rest of the story.

Nutrition Facts

Canola oil spray, according to the nutrition facts on the can

  • contributes a minute amount of fat
  • 0 calories and 0 for everything else listed

The oil adds almost no fat at all to the chocolate popcorn recipe.

Popping corn nutrition facts estimation based on 2 tablespoons of unpopped corn. A 4 cup serving of popped corn would contain about...

  • 87 calories
  • 1g of fat
  • 74mg potassium
  • 3g of dietary fiber
  • 2.5g of protein
  • about 4% of daily iron based on a 2,000 calorie diet
  • 0 cholesterol, sodium, sugar, calcium, folic acid, vitamin a or c

That's low in fat and healthy.

Chocolate, varies by brand, but these figures are close approximations. 1 ounce (28g) of dark chocolate adds about ...

  • 150 calories
  • 12g of fat
  • 2g of dietary fiber
  • 12g of sugar
  • 2g of protein
  • Iron-around 10% of the daily value for a 2,000 calorie diet
  • miniscule amount of calcium

The entire chocolate popcorn recipe (4 cups of popped corn)contains approximately...

  • Calories-230
  • Fat-13g
  • Sugar-12g
  • Dietary Fiber-5g
  • Protein-4g
  • Iron-14% of DV for 2,000 calorie diet
  • Calcium-tiny amount

Not exactly a low fat, low calorie snack. But it is a large, filling, whole grain snack that packs a fair amount of fiber, protein, and iron.

All those healthy things most of us don't get enough of in our diets.

Plus there's little to no cholesterol or sodium in this snack.

Healthier Option

Popcorn with a light coating of chocolate.

What, you want a healthier option?

Reduce your intake of fat and calories by using a half ounce (14g) of chocolate instead!

That would bring the count down to around 162 calories and 6-7g of fat.

The healthiest choice? You could take a drastic step and skip the chocolate!

Adapt the chocolate popcorn recipe to fit your needs.

This simple chocolate popcorn recipe is a delicious way to increase your intake of healthy antioxidants. Plus other beneficial things like fiber and protein.

You don't even need an air popper.

With just a bag and a microwave you can pop up a palate pleasing treat! Worried about fat and calories? You choose how much chocolate to use.

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